About Us
Founded in July 2018. Our mission is to help spread educational awareness for our Oceans, Lands, and the Environment with an emphasis towards Health, Science, and Technology,
Ocean Paddling & Voyaging has brought Inspiration, Love, Happiness and Peace into our lives that together we felt inspired to paddle for those other than our selves, and to share the Power of Life's Force or "MANA".
We wish to share our experiences on a global scale, HGOCV is more than just a few paddlers and canoes sitting on a beach, we're Voyagers, we're family- (Ohana) a group of great people from many different places paddling together for the greater good, for the future of our children, our health, and for this beautiful planet we all call home-"Earth"
We happily give all we have while expecting nothing in return, we all volunteer our time and our lives to Voyaging for Global Awareness.